Unearthly Times

The Eleventh Doctor: Matt Smith

Amy’s Choice


N.B. there might (or might not) be spoilers in this article!

It’s hard to say which is the bigger shock at the beginning of Amy’s Choice: a heavily preggers Amy Pond or Rory’s ponytail?

“Five years later and you haven’t changed a bit, apart from age and size.”

The Doctor, Amy’s Choice

“You can’t spot a dream while you’re having it,” the Doctor says and, if I’m honest, I rarely like these is-it-a-dream-is-it-real-type stories. Despite the best efforts of everybody (including the ever-watchable Toby Jones), this was all a bit meh for me!

On the other hand, my daughter likes Amy and Rory’s romance and has chosen, perhaps wisely, to ignore the fact that Amy tried to cop off with the Doctor two episodes back. And my son likes the idea the Dream Lord might actually be the Valeyard by another name. (“The Dream Lord was me.”)

So what do I know?

Indeed, there’s nothing really wrong with Amy’s Choice — it’s a solid enough Doctor Who adventure — and not having anything to complain about is not necessarily a bad thing.
