In many ways, The Two Doctors marked the beginning of the end for classic Doctor Who …
They say familiarity breeds contempt, in which case The Five Doctors should be my least favourite Doctor Who story and yet, for all its flaws, it's far too much fun for me ever to tire of watching it …
Nine years, one month and one week after its debut, Doctor Who celebrated its tenth anniversary …
Two years! Two years it's taken to get this far. But as The War Games illustrates, there's something to be said for taking the slow road …
It's strange to think that the Doctor has carried that little box with him throughout these adventures …
Perhaps it's the shared forename or initials but I've always thought of Robert Holmes as Doctor Who's Dean of Science Fiction …
I faced this return of the interminable lumber of the Ice Warriors with a dread similar to that I'd felt with its predecessor …
Perhaps the most remarkable thing about The Krotons is that it is the first contribution to the show by the writer who arguably became Doctor Who's greatest …
For this story, I was happy to have with me as guest blogger my son, who'd wanted to watch The Invasion for some time …
I've suggested previously that I'm not a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland or stories that seem like stream-of-consciousness, anything-can-happen-and-probably-will flights of fancy …
You can't blame Henry Lincoln for someone using his ideas and turning them into something earth-shatteringly terrible. But enough about The Da Vinci Code …
It's almost twenty minutes before we see anybody else in The Wheel in Space – before that it's just the Doctor, Jamie and a robot …
It's a testament to the strength of the stories that precede it that it's something of a disappointment that Fury From the Deep is merely very good …
Strangely, given that it holds a unique place in this marathon – insomuch as I hadn't seen it before – I found myself with a certain reluctance actually to sit down and watch The Web of Fear …
When I was first planning this marathon, I did not expect to be able to watch The Enemy of the World …
I have to confess that I wasn't looking forward to The Ice Warriors: interminable hissing and dithering was how I remembered it …
The Abominable Snowmen is an apt corollary to The Tomb of the Cybermen …
I stopped watching Doctor Who in 1983, not because I stopped liking it, but because I moved away from the UK …
Is this a first in Doctor Who – someone at the outset knowing more about the Doctor (and Jamie) than vice versa …
The Faceless Ones certainly doesn't hang around to get started: within the first few minutes there's been a murder and Polly's been kidnapped …