Short hops and side steps along the way!
Doctor Who Greatest Moments was originally broadcast between Children of Earth and Series Three of The Sarah Jane Adventures. …
Do the Viperox 'decimate every world they encounter' or do 'they kill everything'? …
Strictly speaking untitled, but generally referred to as "Tonight's the Night", this mini-episode is just a bit of fun, of course …
To my shame, it took more than one attempt to get past the quiz area on the Series Two DVD disc to access The Sarah Jane Adventures' Comic Relief mini-episode From Raxacoricofallapatorius with Love …
Doctor Who was riding high in the summer of 2008 …
Attack of the Graske continues David Tennant's unconventional start to his Doctor Who run …
Doctor Who — The Ultimate Adventure is my last so-called sidestep of the show's classic run …
It's hard to put in words just how astonishing the K-9 and Company opening credits are …
I've mentioned a few times how important The Five Faces of Doctor Who repeat season was to me …
For a story that was never completed, there seems to be an awful lot of versions of Shada kicking about …
This curio warrants its place in this marathon by virtue of its being Doctor Who's first radio broadcast …
The first thing my son and I noticed about Doctor Who and the Pescatons was its use of the original theme tune …
But just before we get to Tom Baker there's this …
In between seasons 3 and 4 of Doctor Who, England won the World Cup and The Beatles released Revolver …