Almost yer classic game of two halves is series three of The Sarah Jane Adventures …
Just looking at the rash that flares up on anyone who gets infected by the Rakweed's spores in The Gift is enough to make you itchy …
This week's memory blind spot saw me completely forgetting Suranne Jones had been in The Sarah Jane Adventures …
It's a story with "… of Sarah Jane Smith" in the title, which means the Trickster is up to his usual, ahem, tricks again …
Those who've come to The Mad Woman in the Attic looking for a huge overarching feminist re-reading of the whole of The Sarah Jane Adventures' oeuvre might feel they've been misled …
Much of the fun in Prisoner of the Judoon comes from titular intergalactic space copper Captain Tybo's literal interpretation of human security signage …
To my shame, it took more than one attempt to get past the quiz area on the Series Two DVD disc to access The Sarah Jane Adventures' Comic Relief mini-episode From Raxacoricofallapatorius with Love …
Series Two of The Sarah Jane Adventures provides us with another tweak to the format and another strong series of adventures for Sarah Jane and the gang …
If The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith explored what it was like for our heroine to have lost her parents, Enemy of the Bane explores what it means to Sarah Jane to be a parent …
Sarah Jane spent all those years travelling with the Doctor, so she knows the potential risks of crossing your own time line …
Haresh's cooking gets another bashing in The Mark of the Berserker …
I'm fairly sure my parents took my sister and me to see Russ Abbot live on stage in Great Yarmouth in the early 80's …
In The Day of the Clown Bradley Walsh is particularly creepy as Odd Bob the titular clown …
A few tweaks of the format after the New Year's Day special and the first series of The Sarah Jane Adventures was off-and-running …
Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane? presents us with a puzzle box, a faceless stranger and Jane Asher …
Perhaps the scariest thing for Luke in Warriors of Kudlak is that his Mum witnesses his first kiss with a girl …