Doctor Who and the Ghosts of N-Space finds Sarah Jane Smith trying her hand at being a novelist …
While in Doctor Who terms, it may be little more than a pantomime runaround that makes very little sense, I could never hate Dimensions in Time …
It still seems strange that Barry Letts would choose to set The Paradise of Death directly after The Time Warrior when there was plenty of room elsewhere for it slot into Doctor Who's eleventh season …
They say familiarity breeds contempt, in which case The Five Doctors should be my least favourite Doctor Who story and yet, for all its flaws, it's far too much fun for me ever to tire of watching it …
Prior to this marathon, I'd always found it hard to think of a weakest Third Doctor story. …
The Third Doctor's bouffant is at its most magnificent here, which, given Planet of the Spiders is his swan song, is perhaps fitting …
For the second time in their three Third Doctor appearances, the Daleks seem superfluous to proceedings …
Yes, the dinosaurs are pants -- let's get that out of the way immediately -- but in contrast with a certain other Doctor Who story with the word 'Dinosaurs' in the title, at least the special effects are the only thing that is rubbish about the story. …
Thanks to Monty Python, I'm often tempted to yell 'Run away! Run away!' in a high-pitched voice whenever there's an ineffectual siege on a mediæval castle …
For the second story in succession, the Doctor changes clothes at an inappropriate time …
At times Planet of the Daleks feels like a lacklustre covers album: most of the original notes are there but somehow the magic isn't …
Frontier is Space is yer full-on epic space opera adventure Doctor Who-style …
The Five Faces of Doctor Who in 1981 was revelatory for me. Before it I'd had no idea that actors had played the Doctor prior to Tom Baker …
Nine years, one month and one week after its debut, Doctor Who celebrated its tenth anniversary …
That my overriding memory of first watching The Time Monster is being violently ill whilst it was on TV doesn’t necessarily reflect my opinion
It’s … The Mutants – or how I learned to recognise ‘unpeople, undoing unthings untogether’ from quite a long way away …
The Sea Devils, having been repeated on BBC Two in the early 90's i.e. during my own nascent Doctor Who fandom, belongs to that group of stories for which I have a nostalgic soft spot …
Doctor Who gets to pretend to be Shakespeare again. OK, so it's Shakespeare with Martians and a monocular hermaphrodite hexapod …
Whilst I tend to favour the originals over the special editions on these Doctor Who DVD releases, the re-vamped version of Day of the Daleks on disc 2 does enhance the climactic battle in Episode Four …