Doctor Who stories that feature animation
Do the Viperox 'decimate every world they encounter' or do 'they kill everything'? …
Scream of the Shalka was the most fully realised of Doctor Who's attempts at using the web in the nascent days of the twenty-first century …
Shada, Doctor Who's third webcast of the early twenty-first century takes the as-then-unfinished Douglas Adams tale and repurposes it for the Eighth Doctor …
Real Time is, much like its predecessor (understandably, given broadband speeds at the time) of the limited animation ilk …
For a story that was never completed, there seems to be an awful lot of versions of Shada kicking about …
For this story, I was happy to have with me as guest blogger my son, who'd wanted to watch The Invasion for some time …
I have to confess that I wasn't looking forward to The Ice Warriors: interminable hissing and dithering was how I remembered it …
That it's taken me four attempts to get through The Moonbase should tell you just how enthralling I found it …
After an intermission several weeks longer than the one week that original viewers were afforded, I return to my marathon …
One of the simple joys to be had watching these early episodes of Doctor Who comes from hearing characters speak without their resorting to glib one-liners …