Doctor Who stories
It's all bollocks, of course, but it's hugely enjoyable bollocks …
James Corden may be the proverbial Marmite, but he, Daisy Haggard and especially Matt Smith are great in The Lodger …
Let's start with the important stuff: nobody in Vincent and the Doctor pronounces van Gogh correctly …
It's hard to say which is the bigger shock at the beginning of Amy's Choice: a heavily preggers Amy Pond or Rory's ponytail? …
The cast of The Vampires of Venice is graced by the late Helen McCrory and she is unsurprisingly rather wonderful as the Saturnyne Sister of the Water Rosanna Calvierri …
My son pointed out that one of the problems with The Beast Below is the lack of mystery in its opening scenes …
When I started this Doctor Who marathon, Matt Smith was still, for a few more weeks at least, the Doctor …
Bigger, louder and more bombastic seemed to have been RTD's guiding principle towards each of his twenty-first century Doctor Who finales …
Do the Viperox 'decimate every world they encounter' or do 'they kill everything'? …
You might think that choosing to watch The Waters of Mars with my daughter shortly before running her a bath was not the brightest parenting idea I've ever had …
Strictly speaking untitled, but generally referred to as "Tonight's the Night", this mini-episode is just a bit of fun, of course …
I've been re-reading The Stand recently, so I was acutely aware of Planet of the Dead's obvious use of the Magical Negro trope …
Doctor Who was riding high in the summer of 2008 …
While it isn't exactly Threads, a post-apocalyptic Britain in which Donna doesn't meet the Doctor is certainly a grim 'un. …
The skeletons in spacesuits are perhaps the most visually memorable scare in Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead …
"Rubbish!" my daughter exclaimed after the cold open, pre-credits, "Hello, Dad!" sting …