Bigger, louder and more bombastic seemed to have been RTD's guiding principle towards each of his twenty-first century Doctor Who finales …
I do try to be positive in these blog posts — to find the good in every episode, in every story …
Scream of the Shalka was the most fully realised of Doctor Who's attempts at using the web in the nascent days of the twenty-first century …
In which Steven Moffat shows us he never could resist his love of everything wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey …
In retrospect, given Destiny of the Doctors features Anthony Ainley's final performance as the Master, perhaps we should imagine this directly precedes the events that lead to his trial on Skaro and transformation into a kind of ectoplasmic slime …
Twenty-five years ago today I would've been popping in the VHS tape of Doctor Who: The Movie and watching what would've been my first proper full-length Doctor Who story since becoming a "fan" …
In a neat parallel with An Unearthly Child, the Doctor's travels, for the time being at least, end with him back in contemporary London …
The opening shot to The Trial of a Time Lord is still magnificent, even over thirty years later …
There aren't many openings in Doctor Who as good as the first couple of minutes of The Mark of The Rani …
They say familiarity breeds contempt, in which case The Five Doctors should be my least favourite Doctor Who story and yet, for all its flaws, it's far too much fun for me ever to tire of watching it …
'If he's the best swordsman in France they must have terrible swordsmen' …
On pure nostalgia alone, Castrovalva would be my favourite Doctor Who story …
Logopolis may have its faults as a standalone story but as season-wrapping finales go it's probably never been bettered …
Watching The Keeper of Traken with the benefit of hindsight, there's a moment towards the end of Part Two that you'd swear was the Doctor realising who the actual villain was …
This is the point at which my childhood memories of Doctor Who begin, if not exactly to kick in, at least to fade in …
Frontier is Space is yer full-on epic space opera adventure Doctor Who-style …
That my overriding memory of first watching The Time Monster is being violently ill whilst it was on TV doesn’t necessarily reflect my opinion