N.B. there might (or might not) be spoilers in this article!
For various reasons, it’s taken me longer to get through the Ninth Doctor’s run on this blog than he was actually on screen for back in 2005. I can’t put the delays down to quality of stories or lack of engagement with his character, because it’s certainly neither of those.
“Rose, before I go, I just want to tell you, you were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And do you know what? So was I.”
Doctor, The Parting of the Ways
Short it might be, but it remains one of the strongest runs Doctor Who has ever seen. Yes, there’s the consistency of the writing to credit for that; yes, there’s the increased budget and production values to cheer about; yes, there’s excellent support from Billie Piper and many others throughout the series.
But all this would count for naught if it wasn’t for just how great Christopher Eccleston has been. Although we all knew going in how good at the serious stuff Eccleston was (and who could forget that tear in The End of the World?), it’s not so much the dramatic elements that stand out for me.
No, it’s the lighter touches: the comedy, or simply the joy in life that travelling with Rose rekindles that really shines for me. Regardless of whatever went on behind the scenes to convince Eccleston that one series was the lot for him, we can be thankful for the episodes we do have.
Whether it was wrestling with a mannequin arm or resonating concrete, I’m going to miss that “daft old face”.