Unearthly Times




N.B. there might (or might not) be spoilers in this article!

Blimey, two decent Torchwood episodes in a row!

“What if the Rift doesn’t just leave stuff behind? What if it also takes?”

Gwen, Adrift

In a nice switch from the norm, this time the Rift’s responsible for taking victims back through it rather than depositing something in Cardiff to wreak havoc. It makes for a far more terrifying ordeal –- not only for kids like Jonah, whose going missing is the catalyst for Gwen’s involvement in the investigation — but also for the mums and dads and friends and family left behind.

Lots of scenes between Gwen and PC Andy — and Gwen and Rhys — also help to lift this one. It’s nice to see some realistic tension in both Gwen’s work and domestic life. Indeed, as with now-hubby Rhys, I always remembered PC Andy being an excellent, secondary character and have been surprised by how little he’s actually been in the show.

“Before you, I had hope.”

Nikki, Adrift

But it’s perhaps the idea that not knowing what happens to your missing child might be better than knowing the truth is disturbing. Ruth Jones as Jonah’s mum Nikki is excellent here. Offering just the right balance of despair and dreadful hope, she also gives Gwen a third genuine character to bounce off.

Of course, it was always blindingly obvious Jack was hiding something he didn’t want Gwen to discover, but that doesn’t stop Adrift from easily being Chris Chibnall’s best contribution to Torchwood.

And as for Jonah’s scream! It’s bloody terrifying. Surely Jack could’ve tipped Gwen and poor Nikki off about it, though – the b*stard!

Clever episode title too. In addition to all those characters who are metaphorically, physically or emotionally adrift in the episode (Gwen perhaps most obviously), that ad- prefix lends the title another potential meaning — toward the Rift.

Or perhaps I over-think it?
